Prosperity for All
A Town to grow, work, play & prosper in

Expansion of the Queens Mall in the Pipeline

Oudtshoorn, 04 May 2021 – The Greater Oudtshoorn Municipal Council unanimously approved R 30 Million worth expansion and upgrade of the Queens Mall, as was proposed by the new owner, VESTSEC TEN (PTY) Ltd.

This decision to give a facelift to the Queens Mall which consists of a super market and a number retail stores, a chemist and locally owned businesses, was taken during a special council meeting that was held on 29 April 2021. 

“This is an exciting development that will collaborate well with the town’s Vision 2030 which are busy reviving in partnership with local stakeholders such as business and a number of sectors that among others include tourism, agriculture and arts,” said the Executive Mayor, Chris Macpherson.

“As much as Covid19 has crippled our economy, it has also created a plethora of opportunities for both the Municipality and stakeholders to become more creative and innovative to intensify our efforts in making sure that the Greater Oudtshoorn economy thrives.”

“We are in a process to enter into service level agreements with VESTSEC TEN (PTY) Ltd regarding the existing parking area at the Queens Mall and the undeveloped parking area behind the library,” Macpherson added. The Council has, meanwhile tasked its legal department to scrutinize the service level agreement and advise the municipal manager before signing it.

VESTSEC TEN (PTY) Ltd has already submitted building plans for the expansion of the Queens Mall which was passed by Council on 26 February 2021.  The proposed extension will cover an area of approximately 2244m².  The pavers in front of the mall, approximately 3000m², have also been offered to upgrade the under developed parking area behind the library and VESTSEC TEN (PTY) Ltd has offered to monitor it with security and clean it daily after the completion of construction.

The Municipality will retain its right to the land if it wants to rezone it, and if the Library wants to expand they do not need permission from the developer. With regards to the entrepreneurs that are currently using a piece of land next to the CP Nel Museum, the administration has requested the developer to contribute cubicles for the tourism entrepreneurs to continue to cater for the tourism market.

Apart from the upgrading and revamp of the mall, the mall’s maintenance functions such as storm water and repair of portholes which were previously done by the Municipality’s technical services department, will now be done VESTSEC TEN (PTY) at their own expense in consultation with the Municipality’s engineers.

VESTSEC TEN (PTY) Ltd will additionally, draw up a draft collective maintenance plan at its own expense, submit such a plan annually to the Director: Technical Services and if deemed satisfactory, the Municipal Manager be mandated to annually add such plan as addendum to the Service Level Agreements.

“We trust that the expansion of the Queens Mall and all development attached to the Mall will much needed economic relief to the residents of the Greater Oudtshoorn and attract more investors into the town,” Macpherson concluded.