Prosperity for All
A Town to grow, work, play & prosper in

Transactions for Licence Renewals Oudtshoorn(TAL inputs)

To avoid the waiting in long queues, the Oudtshoorn Municipality has now implemented a procedure for vehicle licences renewals via an online process. Please follow the steps below:

Download your vehicle licence renewal notice (MVL 2) by following the online registration process on the RTMC website by using the following link:

The following documentation are needed to collect your vehicle licence:

  1. The MVL 2 renewal notice.
  2. Copy of identity document, South African Driving Licence or Traffic Register Number Certificate, where applicable).

  3. Proof of address (not older than 3 months).

You are encouraged to register now and get your paperwork in order before the Traffic Department opens again. Deposit the licence fee only after confirmation has been received that the Traffic Department is open to the public.

There are three (3) options when you have successfully registered, namely, download, email and sms. You are advised to make use of the email option and the MVL2 form will be immediately emailed to you, which you can print. The licence fee payable appears on the MVL2 form. Please read the instructions carefully, as an OTP number will be emailed to you immediately, which must be used to finalise your transaction.

People without driving licence cards, can at this stage not make use of this option, and must download form ALV from the website as explain further down in this article.                                                                        

If your personal particulars have changed in the meantime, (such as your residential, postal address or proxy), kindly complete and sign the second page of the MVL2.

With other transactions, where a change of address took place (excluding MVL 2), form NCP must be downloaded from the website and be completed.

Deposit the correct vehicle licence fee (the total amount indicated on the MVL2) into the Municipality’s bank account of which the details are:

  • Beneficiary:               Oudtshoorn Municipality Traffic Account
  • Bank:                         Standard Bank.
  • Account Number:     082 809 097
  • Branch Code:            05 – 0514
  • Reference number:   Vehicle registration number.

Once the appropriate transactions have been concluded and the disc is ready for collection, the office will get into contact with you. This will avoid unnecessary waiting in long queues.

Kindly present your RSA identity document, South African Driving licence or Traffic Register Number Certificate to collect your vehicle licence disc. You are encouraged to use this option in the future.

Other forms for NATIS transactions which range from learner’s licences, motor vehicles, and many more, are also available and can be downloaded by using the following link:

Those with internet and email access are encouraged to download forms and complete them. Just select the relevant form, download, print and complete.

Kindly note that the arrangement for direct payment of fees into the municipal bank account is only for the renewal of vehicle licences at this stage.

No person will be allowed on the premises without a facemask. People are furthermore friendly requested to bring their own black ballpoint pens for the sake of your own health and safety.


Oudtshoorn Munisipaliteit het nou `n prosedure geïmplementeer vir voertuiglisensie hernuwings via `n aanlynproses, om die gewag in lang rye te vermy. Volg die prosedure  hieronder:

Laai af u voertuiglisensie hernuwingskennisgewing (MVL2)  deur die RTMC se aanlyn registrasieproses te gebruik by webblad:

Die volgende dokumentasie word benodig wanneer u u voertuiglisensie kom afhaal:

  1. Die MLV2 hernuwingskennisgewing.

  2. Afskrif van identiteitsdokument, Suid Afrikaanse Betsuurslisensie, Verkeersregisternommer- sertifikaat ( waar van toepassing).

  3. Bewys van adres (nie ouer as 3 maande nie).

U word aangemoedig om nou al te registreer om u papierwerk in orde te kry voordat die Verkeersafdeling weer open. Deponeer eers die lisensiefooi nadat bevestiging ontvang is dat die Verkeersafdeling oop is vir die publiek.

Daar is drie (3) opsies wanneer u suksesvol geregistreer het, naamlik “downolaod, email en sms”. U word geadviseer om gebruik te maak van die epos opsie en die MVL2 word onmiddelik vir u ge-epos wat u kan print. Die lisensiefooi betaalbaar word op die MVL2 vorm aangedui. Lees instruksies noukeurig omdat `n OTP nommer onmiddelik na u ge-epos sal word wat gebruik moet word om u transaksie te finaliseer.

Persone sonder bestuurslisensiekaarte kan op hierdie stadium nie van hierdie opsie gebruik maak nie en moet vorm ALV vanaf die webblad aflaai wat verder in artikel aangedui word.

Indien u persoonlike besonderhede intussen verander het (soos u woondres, posadres, of proxy), voltooi en teken die NCP vorm, wat op die tweede bladsy van die MLV2 vorm is. 

By ander transaksies waar `n adresverandering (uitgesonderd MVL 2) wel plaasgevind het, moet NCP vorm van die webblad afgelaai en voltooi word.

Deponeer the korrekte voertuiglisensie fooi (totale bedrag soos aangedui op MLV2) in die Munisipaliteit se bankrekening waarvan die besonderhede soos volg is:

  • Begunstigde:                Oudtshoorn Munisipaliteit Verkeersrekening.
  • Bank:                              Standard.
  • Rekeningnommer:        082 809 097
  • Takkode:                        05-0514
  • Verwysingsnommer:    Voertuigregistrasienommer.

Sodra die toepaslike transaksie afgehandel is en die lisensieskyfie gereed is vir afhaal, sal die kantoor met u in verbinding tree. Dit is om onnodige gewag in lang rye te voorkom.

U word vriendelik versoek om u RSA identiteitsdokument, Suid-Afrikaanse Bestuurslisensie of Verkeersregisternommersertifikaat saam the bring wanneer u die vooertuiglisensie kom afhaal.  U word aangemoedig om hierdie opsie in die toekoms te gebruik.

Ander vorms vir NAVIS transaksies, wat strek vanaf leerlinglisensie, motorvoertuie en vele meer, is beskikbaar en kan afgelaai word by die volgende skakel:

Diegene met internet en epos toegang word aangemoedig om die vorms af te laai en te voltooi. Kies die toepaslike vorm, laai af, druk en voltooi.

Neem asseblief kennis dat die reëling vir direkte betaling van fooie in die munisipale bankrekening slegs van toepassing is op die hernuwing van voertuiglisensies op hierdie stadium.

Geen persoon sal op perseel toegelaat word sonder `n gesigmasker nie. Mense word verder vriendelik versoek om hul eie swart balpunt penne te bring ter wille van hul eie gesondheid en veiligheid.