Prosperity for All
A Town to grow, work, play & prosper in

Safety During Possible Protests On 20 March 2023

Oudtshoorn, 15 March 2023 – With indications that the EFF is planning countrywide disruptions on Monday, 20 March 2023, the Oudtshoorn Municipality is in daily contact with Brigadier Crafford, the commanding officer of Oudtshoorn SAPS, as well as with other security entities. At this stage, no large-scale disruptions or unrest are foreseen for Oudtshoorn, but contingency plans have been put in place should any unrest arise.

Permission has been granted for a peaceful march to the Municipal building on Friday, 17 March 2023, by members of the community to hand over a petition to the Municipality. The SAPS has given the assurance that they will be present during the march to ensure that it progresses peacefully as was agreed to by the organisers.

Should damage to any property occur because of any march or protest, the organisers can be held liable for the costs incurred. Affidavits which need to be completed and submitted to the SAPS in the event of any damage are available at the office of the Executive Mayor.

Residents are urged to report any incidents of incitement or unrest to the SAPS immediately.


Oudtshoorn, 15 Maart 2023 – Met aanduidings dat die EFF Maandag, 20 Maart 2023, optredes landwyd beoog, is die Oudtshoorn Munisipaliteit in daaglikse kontak met die bevelvoerder van Oudtshoorn-SAPD, Brigadier Crafford, asook met ander veiligheidsinstansies. Op hierdie stadium word daar nie grootskaalse optrede in Oudtshoorn voorsien nie, maar gebeurlikheidsplanne is reeds in plek sou dit plaasvind.

Daar is toestemming verleen vir ‘n vreedsame opmars tot by die munisipale gebou op Vrydag, 17 Maart 2023, deur lede van die gemeenskap wat ‘n petisie aan die munisipaliteit wil oorhandig. Die polisie het die versekering gegee dat hulle teenwoordig sal wees om te verseker dat die optog vreedsaam volgens die ooreenkoms sal verloop.

Sou dit gebeur dat individue of besigheidseienaars skade ly as gevolg van enige opstand of optrede, kan die organiseerders van so ‘n optog of voorval verantwoordelik gehou word vir kostes. Die dokumente wat in so ‘n geval voltooi moet word en by die polisie ingedien moet word, is by die kantoor van die uitvoerende burgemeester beskikbaar.

Inwoners word gevra om enige aanhitsing of opruiende optrede onmiddelik by die polisie aan te meld.