Prosperity for All
A Town to grow, work, play & prosper in

Public Invited to Join Libraries as Library Week is Launched

Oudtshoorn, 16 March 2021 – The Oudtshoorn Municipality’s library services launched the nationally celebrated library week at CJ Langenhoven Memorial Library on Monday, 15 March 2021, in an event that was honoured by the presence of the Greater Oudtshoorn’s Executive Mayor, Cllr. Chris Macpherson.

It is the first time a mayor of the Greater Oudtshoorn launched a library week since its inception 20 years ago. The Library Week was initiated in 2001 by the Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA) to be a commemorative period recognized by government.

Welcoming the attendees Deidre Carelse, the head of libraries in the Greater Oudtshoorn said: “The library week is intended to all types of libraries across the country to use it as an opportunity to market their services in an effort to contribute to the understanding of the important role that libraries play in a democratic society, advancing literacy, making the basic human right of freedom of access to information a reality, and to promote tolerance and respect among all South Africans.”

Among the attendees was, the acting municipal manager, Reginald Smit, the director of community services, Thomas Matthee and librarians from the Greater Oudtshoorn.

In his address, Mayor Macpherson congratulated the librarians for the great work they have done over the years as a resource of information and education. “Oudtshoorn is a town to work, learn, play and prosper.  Therefore, when one reads, they are sure to prosper.” Macpherson also highlighted the importance the work librarians do for the Greater Oudtshoorn, as they allow communities to have access to information, outreach programs, borrowing of reading and listening material.

One of the benefits library week offers to the readers is FINE FREE WEEK. This means, all overdue books from libraries may be taken back without a late fee charge. All old fines will be waved. However, one will still be liable for damaged or lost books.

In his turn, the acting municipal manager, Mr. Reginald Smit encouraged the public of the Greater Oudtshoorn to make use of the services the libraries offer. The greater Oudtshoorn consists of the following six libraries: CJ Langenhoven Memorial Library, Volmoed Mini Library, Bridgton, Bongolethu, Dysselsdorp, and De Rust libraries. According to the director of community service, Mr. Thomas Matthee, a construction of a seventh library is underway for the newly established Rosevalley community.     

These libraries offer the following services to the public: borrowing of books, music CD’s, newspapers and periodicals. Other services are: free internet, printing, scanning and photocopying of documentation as well as assisting in locating books, schools projects for students and research.

Outreach programs are prioritised by the libraries, the programs include: visitations to schools, annual spelling bee competitions, annual reading competitions, and reading hour. Librarians of the Greater Oudtshoorn pride themselves with the outreach programs as they get an opportunity to serve and teach the communities.

The launch also featured “Super librarians” who were in full gear, ready to go out and visit schools to create awareness for the week. Macpherson received a goodie bag which included an application form, book marks, the library’s brochure, and a delicious treat.  He urged the residents of the Greater Oudtshoorn to visit the library enjoy reading and gain more information.

To join the library, please download the application form from the following link:

The libraries operational times are as follows:

The libraries opening hours during COVID-19 Level 1:

Monday to Friday:  9:30 – 17:00

For more information about the library services and enrolment for membership, please contact: Deidre Carelse on 044 203 3928 or email on