Prosperity for All
A Town to grow, work, play & prosper in

Oudtshoorn Municipality Releases a Statement on Various Issues Including Increasing Numbers of COVID19 Cases

Oudtshoorn, 24 June 2020 – The Acting Executive Mayor of the Greater Oudtshoorn, Cllr. Noluthando Mwati is making a call the community of the Greater Oudtshoorn to obey to the regulations and protocols aimed at preventing the spread of COVID19 as the numbers of infected people increase tremendously in the Greater Oudtshoorn.

As of Monday evening, 22 June 2020, the total number of infected people in the Greater Oudtshoorn (Including De Rust & Dysselsdorp) was 37 with 15 recoveries and 22 active cases. “The rate at which the numbers of the new cases increases is concerning, said Cllr Mwati.

“On the 12th of June, the total number of confirmed cases in Oudtshoorn was 19; ten days later (Monday, 22 June), the total number of confirmed cased almost doubled, with additional 18 cases, totalling 37 confirmed cases in the Greater Oudtshoorn.”

“To date, Oudtshoorn has recorded a total number of 45 confirmed positive cases with 17 recoveries.”

“My plea to you, is to lessen your movement as much as possible, to only go out when it is absolutely necessary. Protect yourself and others by applying all the protocols and safety precautions to stop the spread of COVID19.”

“It appears that people are losing focus in making sure that they wear masks at all times, limit movement to only essential movement and maintain very strict hygiene practices such an washing of hands and sanitising where necessary,” Mwati added.

We would like to remind you about the following five golden rules to keep safe from COVID19:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water
  • Keep surfaces clean
  • Do not touch your face, cough and sneeze in your elbow fold
  • Keep 1.5m away from people
  • Stay at home

COVID19 awareness information is being shared on daily basis on Municipal social media platforms and other communication channels; for more information, please visit the following links and pages:

  • FACEBOOK: or search for a page, “Greater Oudtshoorn Municipality”
  • TWITTER: or twitter handle @Oudtmun
  • YOUTUBE: You are also requested to follow the Municipal YouTube channel that will also be used more for COVID19 related content and live streaming of virtual Council meetings. or search “Oudtshoorn Municipality” on YouTube


Repairs of damaged roads and streets in the Greater Oudtshoorn have commenced following appointment of three local contractors. A tender was advertised and a joint venture of three local contractors won the bid and were appointed for one year to repair surface damage to streets in the Greater Oudtshoorn.

The repair work that is estimated at R 3 Million should be able to repair all roads and streets damaged due to water pipe bursts in the Greater Oudtshoorn. This includes, the Oudtshoorn Central Business District (CBD), main roads, secondary and primary roads throughout the Greater Oudtshoorn, including De Rust and Dysselsdorp.

The repair work has already started in parts of the Greater Oudtshoorn this week, including the corner of Church and Adderley Streets in the Oudtshoorn CBD. Currently there are two teams of Municipal officials tasked to repair road/streets.

“We are pleased that we can restore the infrastructure of our town, thereby enabling local business to flourish and contribute to the economic development of the town, despite challenges relating to financial constrains brought by the COVID19 pandemic,” said Councillor Mwati.


Another tender for reseal and streets and potholes was also concluded this week, pending a 14 day appeal period. “The reseal of streets and roads is a maintenance programme of the road infrastructure of the Greater Oudtshoorn.

Should this programme be finalised after 14 days of the appeal period, the appointed service provider(s) will be appointed to do the maintenance programme for a period of three years,” said the acting Municipal Manager for the Greater Oudtshoorn, Mr. Reginald Smit.


The payment ratio of the Municipality has dropped from 96% debt recovery rate before the outbreak of COVID19 to 89% at the moment. It is understood that some households and businesses are not able to meet their municipal rates payment obligations, due to the financial restraints brought by the COVID19 pandemic and lockdown. “As the economy reopens gradually, we urge the citizens and business that can afford to pay their services to do so,” Mr. Smit pleaded.

“Prior the COVID19 period, the Municipality, as part of its debt collection policy, coerced citizens to pay by disconnecting services such as supply of electricity. Since, the lockdown, the Council has halted the disconnection of services as part of the relief by Council to consumers,” Smit added.