Prosperity for All
A Town to grow, work, play & prosper in

Mayor Address The Crisis Of Potholes

Oudtshoorn, 05 July 2023Executive Mayor of the Greater Oudtshoorn, Alderman Chris Macpherson, held an urgent meeting on Monday, 03 July 2023, with senior personnel of Streets and Stormwater, Water and Sanitation as well as Cleansing Services to address the crisis of potholes.

Additional manpower and vehicles will be drawn from the Department of Water and Sanitation and Cleansing Services during the following three weeks to assist with repairs of potholes which is a priority. Mayor Macpherson said:” The normal program to repair and maintain streets will continue but the number of potholes which appeared during the heavy rain of the past two months needs to be addressed urgently.”

He emphasised that all available manpower should be utilised over the next three weeks to put ten small teams on the roads to focus on potholes. Employees will be expected to work longer hours as well as Saturdays.

There is an appeal to motorists to drive cautiously where the teams are at work. The initial focus will be on main routes and busy intersections after which streets in the suburbs will be tackled.  The Executive Mayor expressed his gratitude to workers for their positive reaction and willingness to do additional work and asked for patience from residents. “We understand the frustration of residents but also ask residents to understand the challenges which our workers face after weeks of rain. I am proud of the positive reaction shown by our employees to address the current crisis.”



Oudtshoorn, 05 Julie 2023Die Uitvoerende Burgemeester, Raadsheer Chris Macpherson, het Maandag, 03 Julie 2023, ‘n dringende vergadering gehad met die senior personeel van Strate en Stormwater,  Water en Sanitasie sowel as Reinigingsdienste, om die krisis van slaggate aan te spreek.

Daar is besluit om oor die loop van die volgende drie weke addisionele mannekrag en voertuie van ander departemente in te span om die groot aantal slaggate as prioriteit te hanteer.  “Die normale program om gedeeltes van strate soos byvoobeeld Parkweg te herstel, moet voortgaan, maar die aantal slaggate wat na die afgelope maand se swaar reën oral voorkom, moet dringend aandag kry,” het die burgemeester aan die die senior personeellede verduidelik.

Hy het beklemtoon dat alle beskikbare mannekrag die volgende drie weke ingespan moet word om tien kleiner spanne te ontplooi wat net op slaggate gaan fokus. Daar sal van die spanne verwag word om selfs na-ure en op Saterdae te werk om die krisis te hanteer.

Daar word ‘n beroep op motoriste gedoen om versigtig te bestuur in gedeeltes waar werkers besig is aangesien spanne klein is om op meer plekke ontplooi te word. Daar word eers op slaggate op die hoofroetes gefokus asook by besige kruisings. Daarna sal spanne aan strate in die onderskeie woongebiede begin werk.

Die burgemeester het sy waardering uitgespreek teenoor die werknemers vir hulle positiewe gesindheid en bereidwilligheid om die krisis te help verlig en  ‘n beroep op inwoners gedoen om geduldig te wees. “Ons het begrip vir inwoners se frustrasies, maar ons vra ook dat inwoners begrip moet hê vir die geweldige invloed wat die oormatige reën te weeg gebring het. Ek is trots op die reaksie van ons werknemers om in te spring en meer te doen as wat van hulle verwag word. Baie dankie daarvoor.”