Prosperity for All
A Town to grow, work, play & prosper in

Dysselsdorp: Onderbreking van Elektrisiteitstoevoer – Onderhoudswerk

Ten einde veranderings en reparasies aan die elektrisiteits hoofleiding uit te voer, sal  die elektrisiteitstoevoer afgeskakel word vanaf 08h00 tot 16h30 op 09 Desember 2020.

In die geval van reënweer op die spesifieke dag sal die kragtoevoer nie afgeskakel word nie, maar verskuif word na ‘n alternatiewe datum.

Aangesien die toevoer vroeër aangeskakel kan word moet die installasie vir die hele tydperk lewendig beskou word.

Dysselsdorp: Interuption of Electricity Supply – Eskom Maintenance Work

In order to make alterations and repairs to the electricity mains, electricity supply will be switched off from 08h00 to 16h30 on 09 December 2020.

In the case of rainy weather on the specified day, the electricity supply will not be switched off, but moved to an alternative date.                              

As the supply may be restored earlier, the installation must be considered alive at all times during this period.