Prosperity for All
A Town to grow, work, play & prosper in

All the Best on the Matric Examination

This year has been really challenging for all of us, but most specifically to our matriculants.  We see a matric year as the beginning phase of our future and the stepping stone to much bigger things. Grab it with both hands and run with it.

I know that Covid-19 and the lockdown had a huge impact on your studies.  This examination will be a real test of character for all of you, but I have the fullest confidence in you to make this year successful against all odds. Life in itself is full of challenges, so see this last school exams as one of the biggest challenges to guide you through all the challenges of the future.

Good luck to all of you and remember that only through hard work will you be able to make a success of this important task in your life.

Alle Voorspoed met die Matriek Eksamen

Hierdie jaar was vir ons almal baie uitdagend, maar veral vir ons matrikulante. Ons sien ‘n matriekjaar as die beginfase van ons toekoms en die eerste tree na veel groter dinge. Hier is die geleentheid om dit met albei hande aan te gryp.

Ek weet dat Covid-19 en die grendeltydperk ‘n groot impak op u studies gehad het. Hierdie eksamen sal ‘n ware karaktertoets wees vir julle almal, maar ek vertrou  ten volle dat julle  van hierdie jaar ‘n reuse sukses sal maak. Die lewe op sigself is vol uitdagings, dus beskou hierdie laaste skooleksamen as een van die grootste uitdagings om jou deur al die toekomstige uitdagings te lei.

Alle voorspoed aan julle almal en onthou dat jy slegs deur harde werk ‘n sukses van hierdie belangrike taak in jou lewe kan maak.

Iminqweno Emihle Ngeemviwo Zebanga Leshumi

Lo nyaka ube ngumceli-mngeni kuthi sonke, kodwa ikakhulu kubafundi bethu bebanga leshumi. Sibona unyaka wematriki njengesiqalo  sekamva lethu kunye nomgangatho wokunyathela kwizinto ezinkulu kakhulu. Yibambe ngezandla zozibini kwaye ubaleke nayo.

Ndiyazi ukuba i-Covid-19 kunye nokumiswa ngxi kweentshukumo kube nefuthe elikhulu kwizifundo zenu. Olu viwo luya kuba luvavanyo lokwenene kuni nonke, kodwa ndinentembelo epheleleyo kuni yokwenza lo nyaka ube ngowempumelelo  kuyo yonke imiceli-mngeni. Ubomi ngokunokwabo buzele imiceli-mngeni, kungoko kumele nibone olu viwo lokugqibela lwesikolo njengomnye wemiceli-mngeni emikhulu olusisikhokelo kuyo yonke imiceli mngeni yexa elizayo.

Ndininqwenelela amathamsanqa ninonke kwaye khumbulani ukuba kungokusebenza nzima kuphela apho niyakuthi nikwazi ukuzuza impumelelo kulo msebenzi ubaluleke kangaka ebomini benu.